Frequent lockups - the resolution?

phm moonpunter at
Fri Apr 1 16:43:22 CEST 2016

This is a good point. Especially if you're fine with a disc.

Zaphod wrote:
> I'm sure someone here would be more than happy to express mail you
> install media for any distro or software. That is, if you're
> comfortable posting your address.
> On April 1, 2016 6:52:50 AM PDT, brian <brian at> wrote:
>     Thanks to all for the many suggestions. I'm fairly sure it wasn't a
>     'dirty PC' problem, as I do keep the fans clean, and running the
>     sensors for a while didn't show anything untoward. 
>     I gave building my own XFCE 4.12 a try, but gave up on that - there
>     are just too many version problems with vanilla Debian Jessie, i.e.
>     newer versions of libraries required. I think 4.12 under Debian is
>     going to need Sid, and while I did successfully upgrade to that in a
>     virtual machine, the sheer volume of updates causes me problems due to
>     the satellite internet connection, as I've said previously. 
>     So where do I stand with the problem? Well, the switch to Chromium
>     **appears** for the moment (frantically trying to get round Sod's
>     Law!) to have cured the problem. I can't believe that it's a simple
>     bug with Iceweasel and Jessie that has remained undiscovered for this
>     long, I have to think it's one of
>     those goofy multi-way interactions
>     involving two or more pieces of software which *together* create the
>     problem. Possibly using WINE applications doesn't help, but I've two
>     Windows applications (my mailer/newsreader being one of them) which
>     I've found absolutely nothing to equal in the Linux world, so WINE is
>     an essential for me. 
>     In short, I don't think I'm going to find the answer, but I think XFCE
>     is probably in the clear. :) (It may be part of a multi-way problem,
>     of course). 
>     As long as Chromium keeps running reliably - and yes, I did have a
>     couple of crashes with it, but none since I made the original post -
>     then I'm going to leave well alone. 
>     Thanks again for the ideas, everyone. 
>     Brian. 
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