window sizing and maximizing wish feature

Thomas Lynch thomas.lynch at
Tue Nov 24 17:29:14 CET 2015

> Petter:
> I'm not sure I understand you. You want two or three buttons to resize
> the window to two or three different, preset, sizes? Or do you want the
> maximize button to cycle through a list of layouts?

in the upper right hand corner of a window, on the title bar, one finds
three buttons,  an underscore, a square box and a little further over the
big X.

clicking the underscore minimizes the window.  Clicking the square cause
the window to fill the display.  It is this latter button which I suggest
might be updated.

What I am trying to say, is that on a large display, the square button has
become something to avoid and not hit be accident, less the window explodes
into something truly huge.

In place of the square button at the I would suggest a couple of 'window
size buttons'.   So for example, perhaps,  I  resize the window and right
click on the first window size button.  From then on, whenever I left click
on the button the window goes to that size and position.  Likewise if I
right click on the second button, then left clicking on that second button
goes to that size and position.  Perhaps three such buttons instead of just

Accordingly, a window can be made into a large working size and placed in
the forefront, or made smaller simply by clicking a button, - without the
size of the display being involved.

Alternatively,  I could set the window size buttons size and position in a
configuration file.

The idea of the maximize function (bring a window into the forefront to
work on) would be preserved,  and vice versa, without the exaggeration of
filling a large displays.

> Technology has given some of us wonderful huge displays.
> Consequently, maximize window isn't what it used to be, and can even
> be a landmine and explosion of light.
> I suspect a lot of us would be more satisfied if the screen size
> selections were the last two or three screen sizes created by
> resizing the window, or to minimize. Or at least they came from a
> configuation file or something of the sort.

I'm not sure I understand you. You want two or three buttons to resize
the window to two or three different, preset, sizes? Or do you want the
maximize button to cycle through a list of layouts?

You might want to look into wmctrl, then you can add keyboard bindings
that will resize the window to specific sizes, positions and anything
else you might want. Or devilspie, to have a specific window always
open at a specific screen or desktop with a certain geometry, for

Or use the right or middle mouse button when you click the maximize
button to only resize horizontally or vertically respectively.

You can also assign keyboard bindings to tile or fill windows under
Settings -> Window Manager -> Keyboard, maybe that gives you an
alternative to what you want.

Would any of these options help you? With the right tools X is really
flexible in what it will let you do.

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