Equake with ads?

Per Backman listpelle at tufftuff.net
Tue May 5 08:09:59 CEST 2015

On Mon, 04 May 2015 18:35:50 -0700
Jeroen van Aart <jeroen at mompl.net> wrote:

> On 05/01/2015 07:03 AM, Per Backman wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I installed the recently announced Equake for the XFCE panel.
> > Everything is very nice until I click on the map option. Then I get
> > Google map (all of USA, not were the earthquake was), nutrition.com,
> > the.com, of.com and something more that Firefox cannot find.
> >
> > What do you think about that?
> That's interesting. :-)
> I can assure you that equake, as uploaded by me, does not direct the 
> user to any other sites than the USGS earthquake sites and
> maps.google.com.
> One problem that I am aware of is that the new google maps does not 
> always work as expected with the url equake generates and I need to
> find a fix for that.
> Perhaps in your case there is something bad going on with the
> browser, or your dns requests are returning something different than
> expected. Or there are some oddball ads that mess things up, try an
> adblocker.

It seems to work with Midori, but certainly not with Firefox (31.6.0
ESR). I have Adblock+ installed, but I think  it only hides the ads,
not really blocks them.

One of the problems seems to be that Equake opens google.com/maps and
the location request in different tabs, which of course does not work.
In the three tabs between them (yes, yes it opens five tabs and starts
a new browser window every time). Some adresses (they change) are like
www.volcano,.com, which can not be found (volcano.com without a comma
redirects to some site selling DVD's). 

I can go to google.com/maps without getting all this rubbish, but of
course the adblocker will swallow any ads and block popup windows in
that case.

Did that give you any clues?

per B. 


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