Xfce is very slow, part 2

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 22:39:55 CET 2014

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Maximilien Noal
<noal.maximilien at gmail.com> wrote:
> Le 14/01/2014 18:45, Allin Cottrell a écrit :
>> [snip]
>>> $>free
>>>             Gesamt Belegt Frei Gemeinsam Puffer Cached
>>> Speicher:    1018104     905188     112916          0 191836     360764
>>> -/+ Puffer/Cache:     352588     665516
>>> Auslagerungsdatei:    1052220     175804     876416
>> This seems more relevant: you have about 90% of RAM in use and are well
>> into swap. With your system in that position I can see that it might take a
>> while to start up another big application. Maybe you're running something
>> that's gradually leaking memory.
> Huh ?
> Hartmut's computer has about 650 MB of free RAM (that's about the only
> useful figure in free's output : "real" free RAM + amout of RAM used for
> buffers and cache). I'd say that perfectly healthy.
Not near enough if you're using Opera (and do not reboot very often). It leaks
memory like hell, especially after a long browsing session with 10s or
100s of closed tabs. At the very least this is my experience as a
long-time user of Opera (under Xfce).


> Caches and buffers don't
> count, as they are only used by Linux to speed up the computer, and the
> memory used by them is freed as needed for programs.
> Furthermore, the 'free' program doesn't say anything about swap usage. For
> that, you'll have to run htop or gnome-system-monitor (and even then, it's
> only an estimation) or vmstat.
> Bottom line : 90 % of RAM usage is normal :
>> max-laptop% free -m
>>              total       used       free     shared    buffers cached
>> Mem:          5859       5693        166         92 45       4249
>> -/+ buffers/cache:       1398       4461
>> Swap:            0          0          0
> And I have no swap, as it is useless with 6 GB of RAM.
>> Allin Cottrell
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