terminals show up anywhere.

Ray Andrews rayandrews at eastlink.ca
Fri Nov 23 18:50:21 CET 2012


This isn't a huge issue,  but someone might have a comment anyway: So 
the 'sessions' bug--when it happens what I've taken to doing is having a 
backup session with my essential stuff open where I like it. I just copy 
that over the files in .cache/sessions and it works fine.  However, part 
of this 'default session' is having five Terminals open-- 0 and 1 on 
left monitor 2 and 3 in the center, and 4 on the right monitor.  When I 
restore my default, I get all five Terminals, but their numbers are all 
mixed up.  I get used to having them where I expect them to be, so this 
is a bit of a nuisance.  Can anything be done?
Come to think of it Opera and Thunderbird tend to move themselves around 
as well, but that doesn't bother me.


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