border sensitivity

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Fri Nov 16 19:03:53 CET 2012

On 16/11/12 03:01 AM, Sergio wrote:
> activeborderwidth=4
> activebordercolor=FFFFF
> ...
> Maybe you could add a feature request for xfwm?
> That would have to be a fallback thing, though, as with images there's the possibility of customizing more the appearance (although, granted, there's not much to customize on 4 pixels).
Maybe if someone seconds the motion.  But it could be that this theme 
stuff is carved in stone and can't easily be changed.  Anyway, IMHO this 
is a good example of something being grossly over designed.  Sure I can 
have my left border different from by right border but who honestly 
wants that.  Much better for 99.9% of people to make it simpler and 
easier to edit. Besides, if it was easier to edit themes then there 
would be less need to have so many to choose from--you'd spend less time 
picking a theme and just spend a bit of time editing one that is close 
to what you want.  Right  now I count 94 themes here and I spent lots of 
time looking at them trying to find the best.  It would have been easier 
to customize *if* that were made simple. I'd say that 'themerc' is the 
right way to do things as much as possible.

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