Mathias Brodala
info at noctus.net
Thu May 26 19:57:57 CEST 2011
Schneidhuber, Bruno, 26.05.2011 10:32:
> thanks for your answers! But all replays target to the main-menu - I
> think. I already created a .config/menus/xfce-desktop-menu.menu, but
> this had only an effect to the main-menu. The pop-up-menu was not
> changed at all.
Not sure where you have the filename "xfce-desktop-menu.menu" from. In
the HowTo I mentioned the main menu is built from a file called
"xfce-applications.menu" so this is where you start. Just follow the HowTo.
I did it that way for myself after hesitating to upgrade Xfdesktop from
4.6 to 4.8 for a long time. After some fiddling I had exactly the menu I
wanted which included hiding default menu items and creating custom
categories to be sure no other application suddenly pops out in my submenus.
I’ve attached an excerpt of my ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu,
my ~/.local/share/desktop-directories/games.directory and one .desktop
file from that category. It should help you see the connection between
these files.
Regards, Mathias
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