Taking another peek...

Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) s.maddox at cyorxamp.info
Wed Oct 22 08:44:32 CEST 2008

>> So what is XFCE's long term plan for a menu editor? Are we as a
>> digital society moving away from editing menus or is it just not done
>> yet?
> Unfortunately, the fd.o menu spec is not so easy to write an editor
> for.  Much of it is lack of time, I suppose.  But I'd imagine someone
> might start working on it after we get 4.6 out the door, and release as
> a standalone package, which would then get merged into our core
> distribution for 4.8.  I'm not saying I'm volunteering at this point,
> but... maybe.
Two random ideas.... could Alacarte be tweaked in some way to work for XFCE?
Using the same xfapplet thing could you have the GNOME main menu on a 
XFCE panel?

These too might sound silly but theres so many advantages that XFCE has 
over the other two (in my mind)... and so many distro's are now 
recognizing it as the 3rd alternative and even providing alternate ISO's 
for it... that it's a wonder it has got so far without a proper menu editor.

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