Taking another peek...

Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp) s.maddox at cyorxamp.info
Tue Oct 21 23:21:28 CEST 2008

Σταύρος Γιαννούρης wrote:
> Quoting "Steven Maddox (Cyorxamp)" <s.maddox at cyorxamp.info>:
>> The two things I remember bugging me were...
>> - There was no 'Drawer' equivalent...  as in put launchers in the
>> sliding drawer, and that on the panel (like Gnome).
> Actually, there is: All launchers can have a drop-down menu with more  
> launchers in there.I remember having this feature in 4.2 (and it is  
> present up to today of course!)
Cool thanks for pointing this out... just tested it on a copy of XFCE 
4.4RC2 on one of my servers and it works great.

Although I think I remember this before and thinking that pressing the 
little arrow thing was too small and you'd have to make a fake launcher 
as the 'top one' to display an icon representing the category of the 
drawer - which when clicked wouldn't do anything :S

It's not very drawer like!

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