default desktop layout

Roel van den Berg rvdnberg at
Mon Oct 13 22:27:08 CEST 2008

Op Mon, 13 Oct 2008 21:46:06 +0200
schreef Vincent <mailinglists at>:
> Static-width websites are anything but dying out. If you design a
> fluid-width website then that can quickly get unreadable with very
> wide screens, so those at least have to set a maximum width. Still,
> making a fixed width website is still easier and thus often opted for.
> Plus, width the decline in 800px-wide screens, more and more static
> websites are focusing on 1024px, so when you use a vertical panel
> even in that resolutions websites will look off.
> Furthermore, you're ignoring the upcoming netbooks which mostly do
> not have a resolution wider than 1024px, so it really isn't an option.

You are right on all points, I guess I was wishfull thinking ;-)
It's just that I find it a major inefficiency that the majority of
screens you see in your day-to-day life have a huge (left and) right
margin displaying absolutely nothing. Considering the fact that eg with
advertisements in newspapers companies pay big bucks for every mm for
ad-space, while with commercial sites they imho waste huge amounts of
space displaying just high-bright white background, and people have to
scroll to see more "high-valued" text.
I'm a professional webcoder, so oncemore I acknowledge your
reasons on fixed-width etc.

Roel vdn Berg

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