Strange Thunar behavior

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Fri Oct 10 02:47:38 CEST 2008

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Ryan Daly <daly at> wrote:
> All:
> I'm seeing strange behavior with Thunar on occasion.  It seems that when
> I navigate my way into a directory that contains a PDF file, Acroread
> will automatically try to start.  It always bails saying:
> There was an error opening this document.  This file cannot be found.
> It seems to start one instance of Acroread with each PDF that is in the
> directory that I just navigated to.  Has anyone else noticed this
> strange behavior?  Any ideas on how to prevent this from happening?

The thumbnailer? Not sure why Acroread can't find the file. I believe
the PDF thumbnailer from the goodies project users image magick, so if
it is the thumbnailer it would have to be one installed by your
distribution, or available from a concurrent gnome install

> Thanks in advance.
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