orage and icon too small and wrong zoneinfo

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Tue Oct 7 03:35:20 CEST 2008

I was using a clock plugin, but needed a calendar so I installed 
orage-4.4.2. I have a few problems.

The properties for timezone is empty. When clicking on it, it has error 
message pop-up about missing /usr/local/share/zoneinfo/ -- in my system it 
is at /usr/share/zoneinfo/.

I see that orage-4.4.2/libical/src/libical/icaltimezone.c has
but orage-4.4.2/panel-plugin/oc_config.c has paths hardcoded.

My second problem is the orage window is so small it is unusable. I can 
only get "resizing" pointers when I select it, but it can't be resized. It 
is only a few pixels in size.

When orage is started manually I see:

 ** Message: Orage **: Too small icon size, using static icon

I can't tell with ktrace what icon failed.

Any hints would be appreciated on how I can see a calendar would be 

Also I don't know what version of orage to use. I am running the official 
stable xfce which is 4.4.2 which has orage from 2007.

I see snapshot download, but no reference to an official release on the 
http://www.kolumbus.fi/~w408237/orage/ webpage. I don't even know if that 
works with official release.

(I just installed xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.5.0 and now I have a visible 
calendar, but I'd like to try orage since I heard it can keep 

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