Skinning the screensaver

Vincent mailinglists at
Fri Oct 3 12:26:10 CEST 2008

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Yves-Alexis Perez <corsac at> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 10:47:12AM +0200, Morten Juhl-Johansen Zölde-Fejér
> wrote:
> > Has it ever been discussed to make an addition to Xscreensaver with a
> > better looking unlock dialog? I find that Xfce is very polished and
> > really love looking at it, but when it drops to Xscreensaver, it uses
> > the default unlock dialog, which is... less than pretty.
> > But I don't know if this is a minor or a major task.
> It's a good idea. Maybe you should propose it to xscreensaver devs?
> Cheers,
> --
> Yves-Alexis
> _______________________

The Xscreensaver recently did an article on this. Basically, it came down to
"I can't use a toolkit because that's too large and thus is bound to have
bugs. You can't have potential security bugs here because it'd allow you to
bypass the screen lock, so I wrote my own, concise toolkit just for the
unlock dialog of which I'm quite sure it is secure." He also pointed out
that the preferences dialog is GTK.


Also note that:

>    Making the xscreensaver unlock dialog securely use a toolkit is
>    difficult, but possible, were a knowledgeable person to do the work. If the
>    work were done well (by which I mean: clearly commented and documented, and
>    with obvious attention paid to the security implications) I would be happy
>    to incorporate those changes into the xscreensaver distribution.
>    Making the unlock dialog also be able to take advantage of
>    accessibility tools is probably a *lot* harder. I don't know how much
>    harder, because I'm not an accessibility expert. But anyone intending to
>    implement that had better be both an expert on accessibility, and well
>    versed in secure X11 programming, because the security implications of
>    getting it wrong would be dire indeed.
> Cheers,
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