Desktop Icons
Jim Summers
jsummers at
Tue May 8 21:50:46 CEST 2007
Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Jim Summers wrote:
>> It opened nautilus. Then I
>> right-clicked on the desktop and now I do not have a xfce mgr, it seems to be
>> nautilus. Then using ps and kill I got rid of the nautilus process, but then
>> all of the desktop icons are gone. Tried to -HUP the xfce-mcs-manager process
>> but that has yielded no joy.
>> Ideas??
> Yeah. I'm afraid nautilus is not behaving very nicely in its default
> settings (IMHO) and tries to take over the desktop when you don't use a
> command line option or change the settings. Unfortunately, when doing
> this xfdesktop is killed (I don't think we really know why this happens).
> In short, to get your icons back, press Alt-F2 and run xfdesktop. That
> should do the trick.
> Jasper
Many Thanks.
Now back to solve the desktop icons thing. I am also using beryl.
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Jim Summers
School of Computer Science-University of Oklahoma
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