Using Gimp-2.3 in Xfce-4.4.0

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Tue Mar 6 14:29:16 CET 2007

On 3/3/07, Gerard Seibert <gerard at> wrote:
> FreeBSD-6.2
> Gimp-2.3
> I seem to be having a problem getting Gimp-2.3 to work. I created a
> desktop launcher for it with these parameters:
> /usr/local/bin/gimp-2.3
> All that seems to do is display a splash screen on the desktop. A gimp
> configuration directory was created in $HOME, but that is about it. I
> am never asked any configuration questions, etc. The gimp splash screen
> will remain on the desktop indefinitely.
> OK, so what am I doing wrong? This is the first time I have tried to
> use gimp. If this is not the right forum, I will ask in the gimp one.

This is probably a Gimp issue. Try running the gimp in a terminal, and
looking at the output

> --
> Gerard
> Magic is always the best solution -- especially reliable magic.
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