[SPAMKLASSAT av SU] startup scripts

Mike Massonnet mike.massonnet at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 21:46:08 CET 2007

On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 12:36:57AM -0500, Adam Morissun wrote:
> Hi. [...]

Hello Adam,


> I had trouble figuring out where to put those two commands to begin 
> with. I started with a script in ~/Desktop/Autostart, but when I started 
> X, it migrated to ~/.config/autostart (is that a Debian Etchy thing?). 
> My script was simply


> I'm not really sure how that made a difference. There's always a better 
> way... So I thought I'd ask. :-)

Xfce 4.4 provides xfce4-autostart-editor.

> Thanks!

 http://massonnet.org/ Mike (m8t) Massonnet     __oo 
 GnuPG 0--" 0xF8C80F97                      ---(_)_"> 
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