Terminal request

Erik Harrison erikharrison at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 00:43:41 CEST 2006

On 9/5/06, Ken Gunderson <kgunders at teamcool.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 17:09:40 -0400
> Joe Klemmer <klemmerj at webtrek.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2006-09-05 at 13:45 -0600, Ken Gunderson wrote:
> >
> > > >   Thoughts?
> > >
> > > See mrxvt and the -cf flag ;-)
> >
> >       Oh, I know.  GNOME-terminal and others do this.  But I much prefer the
> > way Terminal works so if the functionality could be integrated for 4.6
> > or something that would be nice.
> fwiw- mrxvt is much, much, much lighter than gnome-terminal.  But if
> you like Xfce's Terminal then that's that.
> My personal preference, however, is for Xfce NOT to follow the Gnome
> bloatware path and my hopes are that Xfce remains light and functional
> in it's core apps. Bells and whistles should be 3rd party add ons.

I'm not trying to start a flamewar - although inevitably this happens.
And believe me, I totally agree with you in this respect, although
these two sentences are pretty far from a specific (and thus usable)
design doctrine

But Terminal IS a third party add on. It runs no services at login,
and thus uses nothing but a trivial amount of harddisk space unless
it's running. No part of Xfce assumes the existence of Terminal, and
the Xfce apps can be configured to use a different termapp through a
simple dialog.

Why toss out a comment about Xfce potentially becoming bloatware? It
might also become sponsered by Microsoft, or migrated from Gtk+ to Qt.
But both are unlikely.

I've not seen a single legitimate "bloatware" complaint since I signed
on to Xfce lists during the 4.0 cycle, and the only case where a large
number of systems became drastically slower/less responsive with a
release of Xfce was the release of 4.0. And the systems that became
unusable were ANCIENT, and the change was primarily due to a migration
to Gtk+ 2 - a change which I think was widely welcomed.

My office environment deploys several Xfce machines running on 66Mhz
machines with 64 megs of RAM (with Arch linux). It is an order of
magnitude more responsive and usable than even an OS contemporary to
the machine - Windows 95 or 98.

I realize that you had no malicious intention when you made your
comment. But once and for all let us say that even though you had no
poor intent, these kinds of comments just lead to 50 message threads
that no developer reads, with responses by a horde of first time *nix
users, minds addled by Slashdot. You have done nothing wrong, but the
number of times this has happened irks me to no end.

Thank you. I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion

> --
> Best regards,
> Ken Gunderson
> "The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty
> decreases."  (Thomas Jefferson)
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<@kazin> why does php have 'echo' and 'print'?  Do they do different things?
<Bluefoxicy> kazin:  echo prints in a big empty room

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