I cannot get the shutdown and reboot options

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at farwestbilliards.com
Fri Nov 24 19:08:39 CET 2006

On Fri, Nov 24, 2006 at 03:23:13PM +1100, Terry wrote:
> %terry ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> The only other uncommented line is:  root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
> I'm not sure how relevant the sudoers file is on my system.  PCLinuxOS 
> basically uses root rather than sudo.
> I just tried running the command with the following result:
> [terry at localhost ~]$ /usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> XFSM_SUDO_DONE [hangs so I press ENTER again, then:]
> Oh, the pain.
> I get the same result after changing sudoers to %terry 
> ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> and: %users ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> There is no "user alias specification" in sudoers.  The man page is so 
> much geekese, so I'm not even sure I need one, let alone understand how 
> to format it.

At the risk of stating the overly obvious, have you logged out since
adding your user to whatever group you are testing this with? You must
log out completely and log back in in order to have new groups


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