[Terminal] open tab in existing window

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 13:18:16 CET 2006

Hello List,

I know that this question has already been asked, but I do not seem to find
the answer. Finally found the relevant thread, but the question wasn't
really answered. So,

Is it possible to run a command in such a way that it be run in a "new
Terminal tab", instead of a "new Terminal window"? I am using one single
Terminal window with multiple tabs, for about all the time. However, it is
often that I run commands (terminal -x mplayer, for example) from an
arbitrary application (emelFM2 or Thunar, for example). Running 3-4 such
commands fills rapidly the Task Bar with Terminal Windows, when what I would
really prefer would be filling the existing Terminal Window with tabs.

Now, if I didn't miss anything from the documentation (tell me if I did), I
would like to know whether you'd like such a feature for Terminal and
whether I should file a feature request.

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