XFCE 4.4 beta

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu May 4 18:35:44 CEST 2006

Nic Stevens wrote:
> If there is no way to create/edit launchers why show them? If I have to
> use gnome to edit them why don't I just use gnome?

Will be available soon.

>>> File Manager:
>>>    1. File/item display should maintain different display settings for
>>>       each folder.  (i.e., different zoom, view type(icon/list/compact
>>>       list), etc.)
>> Has been discussed in the designing phase of Thunar and has been
>> rejected for whatever reason out there... check previous mail of
>> thunar-dev or the wiki of thunar...

There's indeed a reason why this was rejected, because in Thunar we
don't have that "the window is the folder" metaphor, and so binding
window properties to a folder simply does not make sense. The settings
are remembered per window (well, once we have proper session support),
and new windows use the last saved settings.

> 4.4 has, on the surface, the feature set I was hoping it to have. The
> reality, however, is that I would end up doing as I did with 4.2 which
> was to use nautilus for the desktop and file management. In the end,
> with 4.2, I ended up going back to gnome because I kept adding "gnome
> features" to xfce. To get the same functionality I want with 4.4 I will
> need to do the same thing.
> Perhaps I'm bitching too much and should just shut up and use gnome
> since that's what works has the features I want.

Maybe I'm bitching too, but honestly, if you want GNOME features, why
not simply use GNOME? Xfce is more than a better GNOME with some GNOME
features removed... *ahem*.


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