Can't get rid of Gnome Desktop

Robin Haswell rob at
Wed Mar 1 17:58:02 CET 2006

Yeah that sounds more like it.


sofar wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 09:26:59 +0000, Robin Haswell <rob at> wrote:
>>Hm this isn't the correct method. You should unset
>>/apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop using gconf-editor. If the FAQ
>>says otherwise it should be changed.
> here is what the Xfce ML says that is sent out every 2 weeks to this list:
> + My desktop or desktop menu has disappeared!?
> It appears that xfdesktop is no longer in control of the desktop. Often
> xfdesktop has died, or some other program took over the desktop. Make
> sure that xfdesktop is still running first. Nautilus takes over the
> desktop by default too. Please start nautilus with the --no-desktop
> flag, or use gconfig-editor and unset the flag that tells nautilus to
> handle the desktop. Start xfdesktop again and you should be OK again.
> Auke
>>JoeHill wrote:
>>>On Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:22:08 +0530
>>>Biju Chacko got an infinite number of monkeys to type out:
>>>>$ pkill -9 nautilus && xfdesktop &
>>>That did the trick, thanks!
>>>>Save session when you log out. Also, please read the FAQ.
>>>I did before I posted. Sorry, I missed it, it's late, I'm tired... :-)
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