What bug report?(Re: Where to report bugs? [WAS: about symbolic links on Desktop])

nusret nbalci_l at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 01:59:29 CEST 2006

--- Auke Kok <sofar at foo-projects.org> wrote:

> Xfce-4.3.9x is BETA software.
Yes, agreed.

> If xubuntu users now come in to complain -err- I
> mean report bugs because distribution X has included
> non-stable unfit highly experimental pieces of svn
> code from Xfce's subversion repository, .... we get
> kind of very unhappy with xubuntu :)

Probably they will, but just as a side note, this
thread was not initially about complaining or
reporting about bugs. But nevertheless, you have the
right to be unhappy with xubuntu ;).

> [if you're the one who thinks that I should be
> grateful that xubuntu is giving Xfce exposure and
> are about to start a flame, please count to 10, and
> don't. This has nothing to do with that.]

No, I personally don't.

> I hope this is clear to people. 

It is, it was.

I'm okay with people
> reporting problems in a constructive way, as it
> should be done:
> o make sure you're using the latest stable version
> (yes, not SVN or a beta snapshot!)
> if you're adventurous *and* would like to do a bit
> more than just say that stuff is broken:
> o read the mailinglist and documentation on progress
> and ongoing issues
> o make sure you use the latest svn versions at all
> times with recommended libraries, compiler, etc...

I don't know why people keep bringing this up, but
there is no way anybody but the developers can keep up
with the latest SVN. Sorry, but this doesn't make
sense to me. But, once again, it's your call to
request this and my call to ignore. 
If you look carefully at the thread's content, I never
intended to push the bug issue. It was mostly about
some beginner questions plus some thoughts about the
user interface. This is a general discussion list, not
developers' list. I didn't just randomly post here. If
not here, where will we share our
opinions/requests(feature and help)? Some helpful
person thought this is bugworthy, and the issue has
gone on and on... Otherwise i was just trying to see
if this is easily fixable, or at least could I restore
my icons on the Desktop without logging out my

> o follow the bugtracker and see if your problem
> isn't already reported

If it is already reported, I bet somebody will quickly
slap you in the face. As i said, i don't worry about
the existence of bugs at all --they will be fixed, as
long as someone remains interested in its development.
I simply saw a good philosophy behind Xfce (efficiency
and cleanness --it still needs some functionality
though), and I thought I can give feedback as a user. 

No bug report was filed here. Just asked help, and of
course, I had to describe my problem to do that. i
started to wonder the reactions if I really meant to
say "Ok guys, your software has a bug, why don't you
fix it?!", which I didn't... I never will; and
obviously it's not gonna work, even if I did.

> o keep in mind that it's still beta software, and
> o keep in mind that there will always be bugs

> Thanks for your attention ;^)
> Cheers,
> Auke



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