xfprint and samba

Rainer Fischer raifi at gmx.net
Thu Jul 27 15:19:02 CEST 2006

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 14:15:58 +0200, Nikolas Arend wrote:

>Rainer Fischer wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 12:22:26 +0200, Nikolas Arend wrote:
>>>>  I am using
>>>> xfce 4.4 Beta1 ( and cups in Xubuntu 6.06 LTS.
>>>> With the cups web-interface (http://localhost:631) I succeed
>>>> in installiing and managing a local printer (HP Deskjet 690C).
>>>> But until now I did not succeed in configuring
>>>> a Samba printer by that.
>>>> xfcewiki.org says that samba prinrting is on
>>>> the wish list. I cannot really believe this.
>>> Hm, the first post was not about printing via Samba
>> Sorry, that´s why I am going to start a new thread here.
>>> And I don't exactly 
>>> see what that has to do with xfce. 
>> More exactly: with xfprint
>>> The printers are installed and the 
>>> spooling is still done by CUPS. So as I see it, please correct me if 
>>> that's not true, all properly installed and working CUPS printers should 
>>> work in xfce as well (given that CUPS was chosen as printing system in 
>>> the settings manager).
>> CUPS ist chosen as printing system.
>> The "Print Manager"  displays my local printer as Type "Unknown"
>> (but it  woks fine ;-)).
>I'm using a quite up-to-date svn xfce version (r22526) and cups 1.1.23, 
>xfprint4-manager shows all my (network) printers ok.
>> The "Print Dialog" does not show anything ;-((.
>Works here too. How did you install xfce?

I am using the printer interface coming with 
Xubuntu 6.06 LTS kernel 2.6.15-26 and

>> With english language support a window opens,
>> but does not allow entries.
>When you do what? Run xfprint4 from console?

No, I did not try this till now.

>> The cups web interface suggests smb:// for
>> the Samba Printer.  Maybe the reason is a not
>> properrly configured Samba Client.
>Does the printer work from other applications that use different 
>printing frontends (e.g. OpenOffice or Gnome stuff)?

Up to now I used ist only for printing
gedit documents (and the cups printer testpage).



>Actually, I don't know much about xfprint. Whether or not its proper 
>functioning depends on the protocol via that CUPS talks to the printer, 
>I don't know. Xfprint's maintainer should know all about it.
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