[OT] Good to be back: An experiment with Compiz

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 23:32:17 CEST 2006

On 4/19/06, Robin Haswell <rob at digital-crocus.com> wrote:
> Andrew Conkling wrote:
> > On 4/19/06, Robin Haswell <rob at digital-crocus.com> wrote:
> >> After flicking between metacity (rubbish)...
> > I just want to point out that, as of GNOME 2.14, metacity is
> > officially classified as almost-rubbish, missing rubbish status by a
> > few pixels.
> Whoah, amazing. You mean it's more than a slower knock-off of Explorer these days? What missing
> feature holes did they plug? I thought GNOME wasn't in the business of adding features. Quite the
> opposite...

Actually, they added (for me) the most important feature: edge
resistance.  Incidentally, I had just seen it on xfwm4 a few weeks
before updating to 2.14 so I had time to get used to it, as opposed to
snapping.  But that's really it; otherwise, it still just sits there,
pretty unfunctional.

> (Hint: I loathe Gnome for having so much stuff that Just Works while simultaneously nailing my hands
> to the chair in terms of usability features in the name of "it would confuse people who are used to
> more retarded OSs".)

Indeed.  I think xfwm4 does a better job of Just Works experience (if
you don't edit the default settings, you'll still be just fine) with a
great level of customization.

Sigh... I think now I'll have to switch my laptop (which is running
GNOME, for various reasons) back to xfwm4 (again); I keep vacillating.

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