Changing the backdrop

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at
Wed Nov 9 15:34:39 CET 2005

On 11/9/05, Iain Scurrah <iscurrah at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 November 2005 20.34, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> > On 11/8/2005 12:53 PM, Iain Scurrah wrote:
> > >
> > > The only problem is that it never ends. After Exiting Xfce and re-logging
> > > in, either as myself, or as my wife, the script keeps running. I would
> > > have two copies of this script running, my wife has one (and she uses KDE
> > > (although she wouldn't be able to tell you that)).
> > >
> > > Is there anyway I can get Xfce to kill this script on exiting Xfce? Maybe
> > > I could use the session manager to start the (or similar) script when I
> > > login, but it would need to kill it on logout...
> >
> > Hmm, interesting problem.  Easiest (though not cleanest) fix would be to
> > modify xfce's xinitrc, and run your script (with an & at the end) from
> > there.  It should get killed properly on session quit that way.  See the
> > docs for what you need to do to copy and edit xinitrc.
> >
> I tried this earlier, changing the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file (which is
> indirectly linked to /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc) to include :

I think herein lies your problem.  You're editing the global xinitrc
file which may be run my KDE also.  Maybe try (just to start) copying
that xinitrc to ~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc; that should just work for
your user.

I'm pretty sure that's what Brian meant above. :)



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