Changing the backdrop

Iain Scurrah iscurrah at
Wed Nov 9 16:16:30 CET 2005

On Tuesday 08 November 2005 20.34, Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 11/8/2005 12:53 PM, Iain Scurrah wrote:
> >
> > The only problem is that it never ends. After Exiting Xfce and re-logging
> > in, either as myself, or as my wife, the script keeps running. I would
> > have two copies of this script running, my wife has one (and she uses KDE
> > (although she wouldn't be able to tell you that)).
> >
> > Is there anyway I can get Xfce to kill this script on exiting Xfce? Maybe
> > I could use the session manager to start the (or similar) script when I
> > login, but it would need to kill it on logout...
> Hmm, interesting problem.  Easiest (though not cleanest) fix would be to
> modify xfce's xinitrc, and run your script (with an & at the end) from
> there.  It should get killed properly on session quit that way.  See the
> docs for what you need to do to copy and edit xinitrc.

I tried this earlier, changing the /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc file (which is 
indirectly linked to /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc) to include :

# Launch xscreensaver (if available), but only as non-root user
test $UID -gt 0 -a -z "$VNCSESSION" && xscreensaver -no-splash &

# Launch desktop wallpaper changer
/usr/local/xfce4/backdrop_scripts/ &

# Use ssh-agent if installed and not already running.  Run it separately

After login, I have these processes running : 
(The tree organization was by ksysguard. Can I do this from the command line?)

2835 kdm
4816    X
4819    kdm
4840       sh
4859             sleep
4855          sh
4856             xscreensaver
4865          xfce4-session

After exitting Xfce, and logging back in :

4925    sleep
2835 kdm
4816    X
4928    kdm
4937       sh
4955             sleep
4952          sh
4953             xscreensaver
4961          xfce4-session

And after logging in a third time :

5011    sleep
5013    sleep
2835 kdm
4816    X
5016    kdm
5025       sh
5043             sleep
5040          sh
5041             xscreensaver
5049          xfce4-session

So running my little script from the xinitrc script doesn't work either... Any 
further other ideas ?

Yes, ~/Desktop/Autostart was emptied before I tried this...



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