xfcepanel and taskbar autohide options

hicham hichamlinux at gmail.com
Tue May 3 18:01:51 CEST 2005

On 5/3/05, Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at xfce.org> wrote:
> On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 12:11:26PM +0000, hicham wrote:
> > Hello
> >     I use the autohide option of xfcepanel and taskbar to hide them so
> > I can see any application on the whole screen, xfcepanel and taskbar
> > are located at the bottom of my screen
> > the problem is that sometimes xfcepanel get hidden forever, gettin the
> > mouse pointing on the bottom screen line  does not make it reappear. I
> > have to switch off and on the autohide option
> > to get it on screen again
> >
> Are you saying you have both the panel and the taskbar at the bottom of the
> screen, overlapping eachother? If that's the case I'm not surprised it doesn't
> work properly.
> A common reason for problems with autohide is if you have selected to option
> to switch workspaces when the mouse reaches the screen edge. It's part of the
> window manager settings and this option is not compatible with panel autohide.
>         Jasper
yes the panel and the taskbar are overlapping 
and I 've got only one workspace 


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