Mousepad 0.2.n

Erik Harrison erikharrison at
Thu Mar 3 21:09:17 CET 2005

On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 13:51:33 -0600, Dennis J. Tuchler
<dennis.tuchler at> wrote:
> Is mousepad under active development? 

Yes. But being poor, the cable company shut down my internet access
(typing this from a public terminal) so 0.2.1 may wind up being 0.3.0
before it gets online. Which sucks, cause I've fixed some stupid crash
bugs . . .

Is it expected to be part of the XFCE
> offering?  

The plan is to push the various goodies and out of tree programs (like
mousepad, and xfmedia) into the Subversion tree when the CVS->SVN
switch happens, presumably this weekend. Mousepad won't be released
with Xfce, but you'll be able to get it from the same place, and my
goal is to not have any requirements beyond current stable Xfce.

If so, great.  I like its speed and its features (and lack of
> features, which I don't need).
> Despite my liking for mousepad 0.2.0, I find two irksome problems
> 1.  It won't close unless I save the contents.  I tried to close without
> saving several times, and each time mousepad refused to close.

Gah. Don't get this here. If I can't figure it out, when I get online
I'll send you a "debug version" to help track this down.

> 2.  It saves to ... who knows?  Sometimes, it acts as if it saves, but no file
> with the name assigned exists in the place to which the file is supposed to
> have been saved.

Also not something I get here. Are you saving to an NFS mounted
directory or anything funky like that? Linux, BSD, Solaris? What
> best of luck

Thanks. If these unrepeatable bugs keep cropping up I'm gonna need it . . . 

> dj tuchler
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