xfdesktop not loading or overrun by Gnome

Paul M. Bucalo pmbuc at pmbservices.com
Mon Jan 31 18:07:47 CET 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-31 at 11:23, Marc Schwartz wrote:

> If none of the above help, then one option, to restore a default
> configuration, is to delete the files in ~/.cache/sessions. These are
> the session files.
> After deleting the above files, then logout of your current session and
> do not save the session at the logout dialog. You can then login in to a
> default session configuration and make further modifications as you
> require.

Here's an update...

1) I killed evolution-womba and evolution-alarm (happen to catch it
while it was checking)

2) Started xfdesktop in a term window and left it open

3) In a second term window I checked to see that xfdesktop was running
and nothing Evo-related was

4) I deleted saved sessions in ~/.cache/sessions

5) I saved the desktop upon exiting

6) Started X again via startxfce4 (I had changed to init 3 by the time I
tried your suggestions) and closed the two term windows, saving the
desktop upon exiting back to console

7) Started X up again and....OK!

Thanks Marc!

Now, all I need to do is get some help as to why I was having all of
those error messages upon starting up xfdesktop. Any suggestions? :0)

A very grateful Paul

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