xfdesktop and xplanet

Fridtjof Busse fbusse at gmx.de
Wed Feb 2 22:35:45 CET 2005

* Erik Harrison <erikharrison at gmail.com>:
> > Where's my mistake (~/.config/xfce4/xinitrc is identical to the one
> > in /etc/xdg and no ~/.xfce4) and is there any better way to run 
> > xplanet?
> > Saving the session won't work since xplanet looses connection.
> > Thanks.
> Well, I believe there has been some tricks posted to the mailing list
> that will make xplanet play nice with xfdesktop. You may want to
> search the archives for that if you want to use xfdesktop's
> functionality.

Hmm, I already googled for this and it turned nothing useful up, but 
I'll look more carefully into gmane & Co.

> But if you really want to replace xfdesktop with xplanet, you can't
> just uncomment xfdesktop from the startup script, since that is just a
> backup incase the session manager isn't available. 

Ah, OK, didn't know that. The doc says:
"To customize the behaviour of startxfce4, copy the file 
${sysconfdir}/xfce4/xinitrc to your personal ~/.config/xfce4/ directory 
and edit that file."

> First, add the
> command to start xplanet to .xinitrc (or, you can put a symlink in
> ~/Desktop/Autostart - this may be a better bet), and then kill
> xfdesktop, and log out saving your session. This will keep xfdesktop
> from coming back, and launch xplanet automatically.

Putting xplanet into .xinitrc doesn't work, don't know why (program 
doesn't start at all).
Is there any way to reconfigure the path xfce looks for autostart. I'd 
really like to make that folder hidden (e.g. change the entire path).
Thanks for your help!

Fridtjof Busse

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