integrated internet browser

Alexander Toresson alexander.toresson at
Thu Aug 25 20:42:27 CEST 2005

On 8/25/05, James Tappin <james at> wrote:
> On Thursday 25 August 2005 18:07, Erik Harrison wrote:
> EH> Yeah, if the two things you do most are file browsing and web
> EH> browsing, and the most common thing you do is switch from your file
> EH> browser to a newly typed URL which isn't in your bookmarks in your
> EH> webbrowser, then this is a time saver.
> EH>
> EH> The issue is of course is that the UI should make it easy to switch
> EH> between the two (web browser/file browser) but they should be seperate
> EH> applications.
> EH>
> EH> Shoehorning the two together results in either konqui (which is
> EH> unusable) or Explorer (which changes it's entire UI depending on the
> EH> mode). And that's just from a UI perspective.
> EH>
> I'd dispute the claim that konqui is unusable. IMHO the most useful facility
> for combining web/file browsing is the ability to drag a web link into a file
> manager to download it where you want (rather than having to faff about with
> a download dialogue to get it in the right place). If xffm could accept files
> from firefox in that way then I'd be happy.
> James

I tried this in Rox filer, and it launched wget in a terminal to
download the file into the directory you dropped it into. With xffm,
nothing happened.

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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