Problems with xffm/xfsamba and right-click menu in Xfce 4.2.0 (on Slackware 10.1)

Nick Chorley nick at
Mon Aug 15 12:19:35 CEST 2005


I've found no help whatsoever with these problems, I did try the forum 
but no-one there was able to help it seemed. Someone there said I should 
try and contact Edscott via this mailing list.

My first problem is that I'm not able to see all the machines on the 
network when going to "SMB Network" in xffm/xfsamba4. Basically, there 
are two other machines on the network besides my own, both run Windows 
XP (all are in the same workgroup, too - HOME). If they are both on, 
like right now, only one of them appears. Xfsamba has this output at the 

XFSAMBA> nmblookup -M -- -
XFSAMBA> nmblookup -A
XFSAMBA> smbclient -N -L //650MHZ
Domain=[650MHZ] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]
Domain=[650MHZ] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager]

Does anyone know how I can get it to display both machines?

My next problem is that there's an entry on the right-click menu that I 
want to remove. The other day, I opened KDE's Konsole in Xfce and it 
added itself to the menu. It is in the section that has various 
categories, like Accessories, Development and so on. If I run 
xfce4-menueditor, the relevant line seems to have ---include--- and 
system in the Name and Command columns, respectively (judging by the 
pattern of separators in there and the one on the menu itself). Someone 
told me to check menu.xml as well and I looked at both the one in 
~/.config/xfce4/desktop and /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/desktop, but all I see is

The next line includes the autogenerated menu at the current level. If
you want, you can put this in its own submenu.
<include type="system" style="simple" unique="true" visible="true"/>

Is there a file or something that I can edit for this "system" thing?


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