Session saver

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Mon Apr 18 04:18:34 CEST 2005

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Kristy Christie wrote:

> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>>Firefox and Thunderbird are broken with regard to session management:
>>IIRC they report an incorrect binary name (e.g. firefox-bin instead of
> Yes, I found the firefox-bin under /usr/lib/MozillaFirefox/firefox-bin
> and symlinked to
> it under my Autostart directory.

That's probably why it didn't work.  firefox-bin is incorrect; you want
the 'firefox' script, which sets up some environment variables, and then
runs firefox-bin.  Symlinking the -bin files will work under some
circumstances, but isn't recommended.

>>I'd suggest *not* messing with the xfce4-session.rc file, and using symlinks
>>or scripts in ~/Desktop/Autostart to start them up.
> The problem was that if I just symlinked to firefox & thunderbird,
> everything opens on
> the same virtual desktop.. and the reason why I loved XFCE's session
> management
> was precisely because it could open apps on the different desktops as
> specified :)

Ah.  Then you should add firefox/thunderbird to the session file in
~/.cache/sessions/, not in xfce4-session's config file.

>>I believe if the session manager finds client startup data in the main config file, it
>>won't look in the actual session files (in ~/.cache/sessions/), so the
>>session manager is essentially broken in that configuration.  I could be
>>wrong about that though.  This is probably the reason that Gaim doesn't
>>start without what you say below.
> I understand.. but the session manager already seemed broken when it
> wouldn't save
> the session (i.e. it didn't open opera on startup even though I kept it
> open and logout whilst
> saving the session) so, for now, I'll be "forced" to use this little
> "hack" until I find out what actually
> happened with the whole session-management thing :)

I doubt this had anything to do with the session manager; likely Opera
doesn't support session management properly.

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