Minor issues with xffm from Xfce 4.2 beta

edscott wilson garcia edscott at xfce.org
Tue Oct 12 15:33:49 CEST 2004

El mar, 12-10-2004 a las 02:09, Gianluca Turconi escribió:

> >>b) what is the best way to create a symbolic link in two different
> >>directories by using the two panes view in xffm?
> >>I've tried to drag and drop it by holding down the Shift and/or Alt key,
> >>but the file is copied or moved.
> > 
> > Drag and drop by holding down SHIFT-CTRL does the symlink. A button to
> > symlink the pasteboard contents has been suggested in the past, but is
> > not yet available.
> SHIFT-CTRL! I should have try them before asking...

BTW, I had forgotten to activate the paste-link button. This button is
now active in the current CVS. This will symlink what ever you have
cut/copied into the pasteboard into the desired location. The button is
underneath the normal paste button. 

> However, I've another question that is related to xffm.
> Is the mime types editor working in the beta?

Yes. The bug is in libxfcegui4/xfce4-modules/mime-icons, due to last
minute changes to XDG spec. This is now fixed in CVS. There is still a
small bug with inheritances yet, but this might not be noticed.

> I'm asking so because I've installed the gnome icons extra packs 
> (gorilla, nuvola, lush, etc) and xffm doesn't picks up the correct icon 
> for some file types (.pdf and .tar.gz) so I've tried to use the mime editor.
> I drag and drop the icon from the right pane to the left one and when I 
> save the assignments, a dialog pops up with the following message:
> /home/gt/.themes/usr/share/icons/Lush.mime.xml
> where /usr/share/icons/ is the location of the original Lush themes.
> If I close this dialog nothing is written nowhere, especially in the 
> .themes directory in my home.
> Any hints?

Thanks for the bug reports. If there is no default for the theme you are
modifying (only Rodent, hicolor and gnome have defaults) send it along
and it may be included in the release.



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