[xfce 4.2rc1] two "bugs"

Xan DXpublica at telefonica.net
Tue Nov 23 22:21:49 CET 2004

Dilluns 22 Novembre 2004 20:33, en/na Brian J. Tarricone (<"Brian J. 
Tarricone" <bjt23 at cornell.edu>>) va escriure:
>>Re: [xfce 4.2rc1] two "bugs"
> On 11/22/04 20:14, Xan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Finally I installed the 4.2 release.
> > I used oscillation installer.
> >
> > All okay, but two things:
> >
> > 1) When I go to "Preferences-->User interface-->Icons", the theme I used
> > ("Wasp") is not listed. And the theme "hicolor" is appeared as selected.
> > Then I test some themes, but:
> make sure it's installed to the proper system location (or to ~/.icons),
> and that the theme has a proper index.theme file.

Yes. The only icons themes that I have avaliable are in ~/.icons. But why not 
xfce4 search in whole system searching icons themes?. Why xfce4 does not do 
it and do it for gtk themes (I have all gtk themes of my system)

[I installed xfce4.2rc1 in my home directory]

> >  1) hicolor disappers.
> that's the correct behavior.  hicolor is a default/fallback theme location,
> and it's only listed if you don't have anything else selected.
> >  2) only few themes are listed (this is previous than I select other
> > theme; when I go to icon themes, only few themes are listed without
> > touching anything).
> see above.
> please, please, just file bugs in bugzilla.  i don't care if you're not
> sure if it's a bug or not.  just file it.  if it's not a bug, we'll mark it
> as such.  if it _is_ a bug, it saves duplication of effort and makes sure
> we are able to keep track of it properly.  the mailing list is a terrible
> place to try to keep track of bugs.

I will do that but before I want to be sure to it's probably a bug. And I 
think that it's a more faster place to sure of it.

What's files you need? Installation wizard log?. My old config?

And what's about the "bug" of anti-aliasing?

I will open a bug if you consider it necessary, but if we could light this 
problem before in a more faster way, I will be glad.


>  -brian

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