[xfce 4.2rc1] two "bugs"

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Mon Nov 22 20:33:14 CET 2004

On 11/22/04 20:14, Xan wrote:
> Hi,
> Finally I installed the 4.2 release.
> I used oscillation installer.
> All okay, but two things:
> 1) When I go to "Preferences-->User interface-->Icons", the theme I used 
> ("Wasp") is not listed. And the theme "hicolor" is appeared as selected. Then 
> I test some themes, but:

make sure it's installed to the proper system location (or to ~/.icons),
and that the theme has a proper index.theme file.

>  1) hicolor disappers.

that's the correct behavior.  hicolor is a default/fallback theme location,
and it's only listed if you don't have anything else selected.

>  2) only few themes are listed (this is previous than I select other theme; 
> when I go to icon themes, only few themes are listed without touching 
> anything).

see above.

please, please, just file bugs in bugzilla.  i don't care if you're not sure
if it's a bug or not.  just file it.  if it's not a bug, we'll mark it as
such.  if it _is_ a bug, it saves duplication of effort and makes sure
we are able to keep track of it properly.  the mailing list is a terrible
place to try to keep track of bugs.


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