OT: List and Email Cleint Choices; was --> Re: Terminal title in taskbar?

Paul Bucalo pmbuc at spymac.com
Sun Nov 21 16:14:32 CET 2004

On Sun Nov 21  7:20 , Chris Green <chris at areti.co.uk> sent:

>On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 07:15:16AM -0700, Paul Bucalo wrote:
>> address or I will double-send. It's possible that Xan's email client is the same
>> and he hasn't been attentative to the issue until now. Regardless, this is a
>> problem that comes about from such simplistic email clients and it just needs
>> attention by user to deal with it. This then, Chris, is why anyone would want to
>> to use "Reply To All" to reply to a list.
>Yes, OK, I was just putting my vote in with someone else.

I understand. And I was just giving you a very good reason why one would use that
method of replying to a list. We're even, I think. :0)

>However I think I'd try and use a better mail client if I could (not
>always possible I know).

Speaking for myself and those who are in my same situation, it can be a problem
to find a *better* email client. 

>Being a command line enthusiast I handle *all* my mail on a remote
>linux system where I have a shell login.  I can thus telnet (actually
>ssh) from just about anywhere and read my mail, hence I have no
>problems with reading mail in different places (home, work, wherever).
>It's easy enough to find systems offering free shell accounts where
>you can run pine or (as I do) mutt.

I don't have a FQDN, haven't a static IP from my DSL provider, am a Road Warrior
that needs dial-up ability from my laptop as well as LAN connectivity when docked
at my home-based office, run Windows (on the laptop) as well as Linux
workstations and server in a networked environment, burdened by elder hardware
and lack the expertise to resolve all of these issues the best way possible.
Shells are a nice idea if you have a central storage facility in mind for *all*
your emails. Without a local email server, I would have to run two separate
databases, local and away (whatever server ends up storing my future emails).
Even then, not all email accounts need to be accessed on the road, so the LAN's
lack of FQDN comes back into focus. I see dealing directly with this problem as
overkill to just wanting to subscribe to a list that I peruse for answers when I
need them. I use Spymail *only for this list. Nothing else. XFce's list will no
longer accept posts from email clients that cannot show a FQDN, and I am not
going to add expense and countless hours of needless labor to create
extraordinary circumstances just to be a member of this list. It rocks me that I
have no problems with any of my other lists, Linux or otherwise. And yet, I would
not bite my nose to spite my face. I use and believe in the XFce project. I take
this weird way around the problem because I need answers and help more than I
need to prove the list server is being prejudicial in its efforts to remove
Spammers. This is a choice I made because it was the easiest and one with least
effort for my knowledge level.

I think quite a few members of this list, lurkers most of the time, often only
coming in for that occasional answer needed, aren't all coming from an IT
background or non-residential environment. We meet people here from many
cultures, languages, lifestyles, and uses for XFce. It's important to remember
this when we respond in a generic way. No criticism of your intent or beliefs.
Having been around technical people for many years, I know that we sometimes
forget that we have to live with the 'not-as-technically-able' people, too. :0)
Some of us do what we do because it's the best choice for *us*, not the *best*
choice. A bit of tolerance is needed by *all* of us so that the initiates and the
masters can come together here to solve problems. That was my point from the
start. It sucks that I should have to use "Reply To All" to get an email client
to respond properly to a list, but I managed to deal with it. I'm sure Xan feels
he knows how to handle things at his end now, too. Someday, we may both find the
*best* way to handle our list needs. :0)


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