Terminal title in taskbar?

Xan DXpublica at telefonica.net
Fri Nov 19 13:51:26 CET 2004

Dijous 18 Novembre 2004 13:12, en/na Brian J. Tarricone (<"Brian J. Tarricone" 
<bjt23 at cornell.edu>>) va escriure:
> > > I want that in taskbar the title of that terminal was "Terminal: bash
> > > executa-mldonkey" or "bash executa-mldonkey" (I prefer the first).
> >
> > Hmm, xfterm4 would have to set the 'icon name' I believe (technical
> > term), by using some ansi escape sequences. Anyone know if we could do
> > that?
> won't xterm's -name option do that?  granted we'd need to check with the
> other terms we 'support', and figure out if they have something similar...
>  -b

So, what's the conclusion?: 
  - the taskbar will show the window title of terminal in next releases, or 
  - Anyway, how can I do for taskbar shows the title of the terminal (editing 
manually something...) in 4.0.6?

[I lost with all of these technical discussion ;-)]


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