
Jean-François Wauthy pollux at xfce.org
Mon Nov 1 20:10:53 CET 2004

Le lundi 01 novembre 2004 à 10:48 -0800, groundhog3000 a écrit :
> Well Rich,
> >I used the exact name to the letter and that didn't work either.  Shrug.  I just don't have much luck, I guess.  I just spent four hours trying to get sound to work in WindowMaker with no success either.  Zero install is another lost cause.  I spent about 12 hours trying to get that to work.  Linux is really stable and has much nicer features than windoze, but it is a never ending battle to get things set up and working.  LOL
> >  
> >
> Try not to get xfce4 and linux confused.  The Redhat people seem to have 
> the same problem.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  > No matter what I do, I cannot get xfprint to work. Keeps telling me 
> it can't send to printer.
>  > Cups is configured and I can print from applications just fine. It's an
>  > HP1200 mounted on /dev/usb/lp0 I have tried to enter it in the xprint 
> configuration
>  > by both its system name and by using /dev/usb/lp0 Does anyone have any
>  > suggestions on how to make this work?
> I assume you are referring to the HP 1200 PSC.  Xfprint always chokes on 
> these.
> I just make sure cups admin (http://localhost:631/admin) sees it and 
> print away.
> If you can magically get xfprint to see a psc, then you have me beat.
xfprint 4.2beta2 supports CUPS and can magically see any CUPS printer ;)

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Jean-François Wauthy <pollux at xfce.org>
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