Command won't execute in launcher

Jack Kern jack_kern at
Mon May 17 16:32:26 CEST 2004

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

>On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 08:39:40AM -0400, Jack Kern wrote:
>>In either case the output/errors could not be read as xterm would start 
>>and exit -- using xterm with the "-hold" argument would help to clarify 
>>the issues.
>Do you know if other terminals support -hold?

Sorry, I don't know.  I believe that the rxvt and aterm do NOT support 
it with the versions I have on Debian unstable.

It seems easy enough for me to use "xterm -hold -e myprog" in the 
launcher but many people will probably not be very aware of terminal 
capability in general.  xfce4 documentation could mention this 
limitation with the launchers while using "Run in terminal" and the lack 
of capability in certain terminal programs. 

For less sophisticated terminal users I don't know how the launcher or 
xfterm4 could be modified to handle the problem automatically.  xterm 
returns "0" when it exits after a command returns it to the prompt as 
does the version of aterm on my system.  Here, rxvt returns 
"Segmentation fault" and "139".  (For example try   "xterm -e ls ; echo $?")

Perhaps if the duration of a terminal process is below a certain time 
limit, the launcher program or xfterm4 script could simply run the 
program again with a sleep command appended somehow along with a message 
indicating the issue.  Perhaps another option for the launcher setup 
could specify a "sleep" interval for such terminals for commands that 
flash a terminal and immediately disappear.  (I am not a programmer but 
I suspect there could be kludge of some sort.)

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