[OT] Lunar vs. Gentoo

Bradee-oh! bradeeoh at bradeeoh.com
Thu May 6 17:30:58 CEST 2004

I'm a gentoo user, and it goes PLENTY fast for me.  I'm sure lunar is 
similarly fast, but when it comes down to the processes running on my 
machine at any given time, I'm sure the list of processes on my gentoo 
box would be very similar to the processes running on a lunar box and if 
they were all compiled with the most aggresive optimizations I feel 
comfortable with, how could the speed of lunar be improved over the 
speed of gentoo?

As for the ease of installation - yes, gentoo requires a little 
technical know how compared to most average distros and therefore is 
automatically inaccessible to some people.  I don't know in what way 
lunar is easier, but as long as it's not HARDER, then there's no strike 
against it in my book.  However, I am a technically-minded guy with lots 
of computer experience so the "difficulty" in installing gentoo hasn't 
ever bothered me.

But without even researching into lunar very much, here's why I'll stick 
with gentoo on my primary boxen for the forseeable future - whereas I 
started using gentoo years ago and it is widely known and accepted as a 
very established distro with a quickly growing user base and its future 
support is not in doubt because of its high profile and popularity and 
the commitment of the developers involved and the portage system is very 
mature and ebuilds are constantly updated and debugged by a large base 
of developers...

I hadn't even heard of lunar-linux until a few days ago.  It seems to be 
"one of those OTHER" distros.  And I've had plenty of bad experiences 
with "those other distros" in the past.

All that may just be my own biased perceptions controlling my opinion, 
but that's just how it is.

All of that said, I'm still very curious about Lunar.  The next time I'm 
experimenting with a new box, I'll definitely install it first and if it 
"behaves", depending on what the box is for, I'll start to let it win my 
heart over.  ;)

-Brady Eidson

> Sorry I have not responded but I really have not time for an in depth 
> explanation. My recommendation is to jump on irc.freenode.net in the 
> lunar channel and ask the folks there your questions.
> As far as my allusion to speed goes lunar was built, on purpose, to go 
> fast (and it does). It is also easier to install than Gentoo and this 
> has been said by every Gentoo user who has converted.
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