Weather plugin problems

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Wed Jul 21 08:31:58 CEST 2004

Steve Cooke wrote:

> KUTYLA Peggy wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm in France and i had try to connect to Hobart,AU with the weather 
>> plugin (v
>> It's work fine.
>> But i had problem with Launceston. I got the forecast but no icon in 
>> panel.
> Okay - thanks for that. This indicates the data source is responding 
> correctly. Is there any way for me to debug the application - a log 
> somewhere that debug messages are written to perhaps? When I installed 
> Fedora 2 I did not install Gnome or KDE. Perhaps there is a library 
> that the weather plugin requires that I do not have on my system? I 
> feel that is scraping the bottom of the barrel of ideas though - it 
> all compiled and installed as I expected.

you mentioned that you're behind a proxy - is this a transparent proxy, 
or do you have to set the http_proxy env variable or somesuch?  i 
wouldn't be surprised if the weather plugin doesn't have proxy support.


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