Weather plugin problems

Steve Cooke stephen.cooke at
Wed Jul 21 09:01:23 CEST 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> you mentioned that you're behind a proxy - is this a transparent proxy, 
> or do you have to set the http_proxy env variable or somesuch?  i 
> wouldn't be surprised if the weather plugin doesn't have proxy support.

Hi Brian,

Yes, I have the HTTP_PROXY environment var set. I checked out the 
weather plugin code and it is trying to make a call to 
How would I be able to add the proxy in? I don't know enough about how 
proxys work in order to add support for them to the plugin.

One other thought I had was that my system may not be configured 
correctly. Where does the data file get written to? It may be that the 
app is trying to write to a location it hasn't the privileges to. I have 
a feeling that this is more likely to be the problem. I'm sure that at 
least some of the Xfce users using the weather plugin are doing so 
behind proxys - I can't be the only one surely?

Perhaps it is time to ask the author...

Steve Cooke.

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