Happy new year / XFce in 2004

Christopher Korn korn.christopher at gmx.net
Sun Jan 4 07:59:22 CET 2004

> * Session manager release
i'm using the session manager and i must say i have no problems since 2 months
> * Drag and drop of panel items to move/add/remove them
nice idea.
but the user should choose if he want's to turn it on of off

> * More people getting involved! We really can use some people with
> coding skills, ideas and, more important than anything else, time.

i really want to write some code for xfce. 
i think i can write a few cute plugins for the mcs-manager or something like this. 

> * Desktop icons.
> Nah, not that last one ;-) 

please no desktop-icons! 
they're evil ;)

greetings and best wishes chris
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