4.1.99 slow

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sat Dec 18 15:19:06 CET 2004


On Sat, 2004-12-18 at 11:39 -0200, Romeu Fonseca wrote:
> I have the same problem here and my video card is a GeForce with 64
> MB.... It's much slower than before, when coomposite was disable in
> xorg.conf.

The compositor makes things slower, that's a fact ,and that's why it's
disabled by default.

> RC1 did it behave differently? 


> Or it's a specif problem in RC2?


> In my xorg.conf, I've wrote those lines:
> Section "Extensions"
>         Option "Composite" "Enable"
>         Option "RENDER" "Enable"
> EndSection

That enable the composite extension in X.org; not the hardware
accelerated render in the NVidia colosed source driver.

> Anything missing?

Please refer to the file called COMPOSITOR that ships with xfwm4
sources, and make sure you read the manuals that come with the NVidia
binary drivers.

PS: Please do not copy me in the mails to the list, I am subscribed to
the xfce list...


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