starting XFCE4 without gdm

Tom Wesley tom at
Sat Dec 11 18:36:05 CET 2004

Jacques Montier wrote:
> Tom Wesley a gentiment ecrit le 11.12.2004 16:21
>> I haven't tried it, but I don't see why the following shouldn't work:
>>   Edit /etc/rc.conf to have xfce4 in the XSESSION variable at the bottom
>>   # emerge sudo -av
>>   Edit /etc/init.d/local.start and add "sudo -H sudo -H -u tom startx"
>> There may be better/easier ways, but start would probably work :)
>> Tom
> I've tried it and i get a "command not found"
> message for sudo and startx and local can't start.

If you have emerged sudo then you might wanna try specifying the full 
path, /usr/bin/sudo.

> I've tried something else :
> in /etc/init.d/xdm, i added
> snip --------------------
>   case "${MY_XDM}" in
>   xfce)
>                   EXE=/usr/bin/startxfce4
>                    ;;
> snip ---------------
> Then i ran the /etc/init.d/xdm runscript with
> DISPLAYMANAGER="xfce" in rc.conf
> So xfce4 starts at boot, but as root, not as user.
> Jacques

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