Terminal and Environment variables

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Tue Apr 6 15:06:56 CEST 2004

xfterm4 is just a frontend that runs $TERMCMD.  you are correct in that 
we should be running $BROWSER by default from the menu.  that actually 
needs a wrapper script, as we want to allow for a default install that 
doesn't have $BROWSER set.


On Tue, 6 Apr 2004, Andrew Conkling wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-04-05 at 22:58 -0400, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> > There are.  Check out $BROWSER and $TERMCMD.  If you look at the xfce 
> > scipts such as help you'll see there is (or was) a browser variable.  I 
> > set it in my /etc/bash.rc file which is sourced by all users.  You can 
> > set it in your local profiles if you want.
> Yes, my question is why these aren't used in the default menu.  It would
> be nice, because that's really the only change I'd wish to make therein
> at this time.  However, since they are statically linked only to Mozilla
> and xfterm4:
>     <app name="Terminal" cmd="xfterm4" />
>     <app name="Web Browser" cmd="mozilla"/>
> it's impossible.  The really frustrating thing is that the Mozilla
> installed on my computer doesn't have the command "mozilla".  So it
> doesn't do anything.  I think it should be changed to something like
>     <app name="Terminal" cmd="$TERMCMD" />
>     <app name="Web Browser" cmd="$BROWSER" />
> though I'm not sure if that would work, as I don't know the ins and outs
> of environment variables and xml editing.
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