Some questions (please response) xfce4 final

Anibal Ojeda anibal.ojeda at
Sun Sep 28 10:33:24 CEST 2003

I don't know if i did some wrong research first but i can't fine the 
xfcalender, is thuis included on the final version ? i can't launch this. is 
this a apart module ? please let me know how to get this.

on this screenshoot i see the 
graphical pager as this small green things. How can i get mine like this ? 
i've been looking around to change this but is not working .

My last question, on my settings > (theme preferences) user interface 
prferences i only have on select themes the default theme. I did compile 
everything for the tarball. 



Anibal Ojeda
My GnuPg Publickey: FA1EF2FE
Linux user # 327259
ICQ# 245917429

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