xfce version 3 vs. 4 : missing features?

Ilkka Ollakka ilkka.j.ollakka at students.oamk.fi
Tue Sep 30 18:12:41 CEST 2003

On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 11:59:13 -0400, hugh d fegely wrote:
> Nope, mouse wheels aren't quite standard still... and some of us using trackballs don't have them either.

With trackballs you  can use EmulateWheel and EmulateWheelButton options
on XF86Config, if you have enough buttons ;)

Ilkka Ollakka (ilkka.j.ollakka at students.oamk.fi)
GPG public key ID:87D0FC15
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lightly greased."
		-- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"
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