Icons on a dev screenshoot...

Mickael Graf mgf at bredband.net
Fri Sep 12 20:33:28 CEST 2003

Philip Dean wrote:
> hello all,
Hello Philip,

> P.S.  For the developer of the calander... Would it be possible to add a menu to hide the window manager boarder?  It would be nice to have the calander on the display but have it take as little room as possible.  A key combo to hide the menu bar would be nice too.  Just an idea.  Thanks for the app!
I'm very pleased to see you're satisfied with the app :-)
The CVS version allows you to choose to use the calendar between two 
modes, "Normal", as it is today, and "Compact", where the borders and 
the menu bar are removed. You can set it from the app itself or from the 
control panel.

If you cannot get it from CVS, let me know and I'll gladly create a tarball.


|Mickael Graf|mgf at bredband.net|
|http://korbinus.fr.st        |

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